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Leveraging CRM for Property Management with Odoo

Leveraging CRM for Property Management with Odoo

September 26, 2017

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Real Estate Features

Within the broad USA Odoo community, many people have collaborated to create a property management system that has been used successfully in commercial, residential, and multi-unit circumstances. Our experience with using this configuration of USA Odoo has been successful and would provide the basis of this project.

This configuration provides features such as:

  • Property definitions, including embedded videos, pictures, and other marketing information
  • Tenant records and contract/lease management
  • Property maintenance
  • GFA, operational cost, investment, and occupancy analysis and reporting

See examples of these features below.

Property Definitions


Property Maintenance

Property Maintenance

Tenant Records & Contract/Lease Management


GFA, Operational Cost, Investment, and Occupancy Reporting

Property Analysis


Finally, your property management company’s data, talent, and resources can be deployed to drive your bottom line. Our highly skilled Odoo experts are focused on finding and configuring your unique competitive advantage to harness your full potential.

The accounting integration from USA Odoo empowers your property management company with real-time accounting valuations and deeper reporting on costs and revenues for both upstream and downstream operations.

Integrating your accounting systems into an interconnected nerve system increases the reliability of your numbers, efficiency of your operations, and quality of your output. Open Source Integrators will help you create one true picture of your entire business operation. With the right accounting-centric Odoo software capability, the challenge of defining your key demographics will become simple.

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