What Do Your Customers Truly Want? Find Out with a Hyper-local Data Approach


In a complex business world filled with growing data, businesses struggle to understand their customers in profound, meaningful ways. With Direct-to-Consumer practices built with Open Source Integrators (OSI), companies can gain vital intelligence about customers, their location, preferences, purchases, returned products, and more. OSI can partner with you to develop the right open source ERP solution, so the challenge of defining and capturing demographics becomes simplified. How? In a word, geospatial—the new frontier in the digital age of the consumer. Open source ERP combines geospatial data and analytics with other powerful tools to add more products and services that resonate with your customers, so you create loyal advocates.

  • Define key demographics
  • Unearth hidden customer needs & desires
  • Anticipate obstacles to purchase
  • Get ahead of challenges
  • Segment products and services

A Comprehensive Solution Customized to Your Company and Customers

OSI open source ERP software solutions bridge the gap between the operation-focused and customer-centric applications. It eliminates department silos, disparate systems, and manual processes. Using geospatial, forecasting, and other tools, data becomes readily available across the enterprise for faster, better insights and decision-making. With OSI, you can build a comprehensive, interoperable, best-in-class ERP system from the ground up or optimize existing systems to work in an integrated fashion for improved customer analytics and prediction.

Open Source Applications Enable Better Customer Insights

OSI empowers your company to know more about your customers using GIS and big data within your ERP solution. Open source technology provides distinct advantages over proprietary systems because they offer flexible, scalable, and cost-effective solutions. Moreover, open source solutions are backed by the expertise of a global development community.

OSI implements ERP systems based on Odoo, the most successful open source business application platform. Odoo is used by more than two million people, from small, independent entrepreneurs and business owners to multinational industry leaders. Odoo software provides the tools to develop an enterprise-level planning and forecasting system that serves every department, from accounting to sales, marketing, manufacturing, distribution, customer service, logistics, and beyond. With Odoo capabilities combined with GIS and data analytics, your company will have the integration capabilities needed to gain a complete, timely, and accurate view of your customers that improves all aspects of operations.

Learn About OSI's Approach

Our highly skilled ERP experts configure, build, train, and maintain world-class, direct-to-consumer systems. Reach your company’s highest potential and become a market leader in a partnership with OSI that will drive insight, profitability, and flexibility.

Results-Driven Process

Our team provides you with scientifically researched and fact-based open source ERP solutions needed to improve and maintain your system. We approach each project as the unique endeavor it is, following a proven four-step method for success:

Determine your situation, goals, timeline, cost, and the best way to build a prototype that best fits your needs.
Advance and simplify future phases of work by optimizing the more critical parts of your business systems.
Streamline the experience to encourage optimal choices, while giving the flexibility to react to special cases.
Coach, train, and support your team members as they become accustomed to using the new operating systems.