Home Construction Service Finds a Home in Odoo ERP

January 29, 2024
12 min read
Home Construction Service Finds a Home in Odoo ERP

Homepro, a Texas-based company specializing provider of home security, entertainment, and control systems, leveraged the transformative power of ERP to scale their business operations and optimize processes. The organization embarked on a bold journey toward a complete systems integration. Led by a clear vision and a resilient IT team, the fine folks at HomePro were able to create a meticulously designed system architecture that perfectly serves their needs. Through extensive communication and collaboration, we worked hand in hand to bring this vision to life.

The customer

Master of home solutions 

HomePro is a premier provider of home security, entertainment, and control systems. They offer a wide range of items, from building materials to furniture and home appliances. HomePro enables customers can browse a variety of products to upgrade or maintain their homes. The company often targets both individual homeowners and professional contractors, providing a one-stop shop for many home-related needs.

With their previous system architecture ill-configured to handle the nuances of 250 builder partners, 27,000 homes per year and monitoring 37,000 homes, multiple customer types such as home owners and builders, 125,000 payment lines per year, and 500 Licenses/200 portal users, it’s no overstatement to say the HomePro team was in desperate need of a new approach.  

"We were growing fast. Our ERP and customer relationship tools no longer served our needs." 

The challenge

Unreliable systems in the face of growth 

When Michael Hinton, CIO of Homepro, first approached me, the company was experiencing rapid growth and expansion into new business areas, including high-voltage electrical wiring and security. This growth, as exciting as it was, brought significant challenges in managing their business operations (as noted in the section above).

To say it plainly, their existing ERP and CRM systems were completely inadequate for their evolving needs, missing the mark in multiple detrimental areas. Given their plans for a 20% annual growth and diversification into new markets, they needed a new solution stat. 


  • Complex siloed systems
  • Lack of installations scheduling system
  • Unreliable product lifecycle tracking 
  • Unreliable systems for day-to-day processes


  • Streamlined future state that is scalable
  • Data volume management 
  • Warehouse management system
  • Managerial reporting by business and location
  • Inventory control so that installers know their available inventory for jobs
man shows wires to other man

The solution

From workshops to APIs

In search of a flexible, scalable ERP solution, Michael's previous positive experience with open-source tools led him to consider Odoo ERP as a potential solution. However, for an organization operating with a deficient system, alongside aspirations for major growth in the near future, an full-scale Odoo implementation is a daunting, often impossible task. Over the years I’ve seen many rosy-cheeked companies try to tackle this kind of project on their own, only to fall, burned out and defeated, in the end. The risk of failure is severe. 

After hashing out the details with Michael and team, OSI was brought on board to implement a solution tailored to Homepro's unique needs. We focused on integrating various business processes, from sales orders to project management, aligning them with Homepro's multifaceted service offerings.

Here are some of our key action items:

  1. Organization was critical in order to make the most efficient use of the budget and project scope
  2. Flexibility was key, as HomePro needed to be able to adjust to changes over time. 
  3. User experience was a must, allowing employees of all skill levels to effectively manage Odoo’s suite of tools. That in mind, having the right people in the room to make the key decisions for the outcome of the implementation was necessary. 
  4. Fully integrated system with Odoo, including:
  • API integrations
  • 43 AI bots 
  • BI and reporting
  • Monitoring 
  1. Refresh system design and implementation 
people holding technology near shelves of stuff

Our Process

A tried and true method

Our first step always begins with the end in mind. Using our results-driven approach, we conducted an in-depth workshop with all necessary HomePro players present. Throughout the meeting, our joint teams discussed options for the client to be in control of the outcome at all times, ensuring they always have the option to automate certain processes or fall back on tried and true manual processes. Gathering all requirements to run the business from a current state to a future state process, the OSI team kicked off our scientifically-proven process:

Our approach involved a deep analysis of Homepro's needs, optimization of their ERP system for flexibility, automation of key processes, and a well-managed transition to Odoo. This structured approach resulted in a successful implementation that met Homepro's evolving business requirements.


A need for organization, flexibility, user experience was key, and all in all a full integration with Odoo.


OSI recognized that Homepro needed a system that could adapt and grow with the company's changing requirements.


Homepro leveraged the capabilities of Odoo to automate features like project management, CRM, and accounting modules. 


OSI provided training and support to Homepro's staff to help them adapt to the changes.

The results

Transforming for future success

Odoo ERP transformed Homepro's operational capabilities. The customized solution allowed for efficient management of diverse business lines such as security, low and high voltage wiring, and emerging sectors like solar energy. The flexibility of Odoo ERP enabled Homepro to adapt quickly to changes and scale its operations effectively. 

Through their collaboration with OSI, Homepro achieved the following:

  • Streamlined operations: Homepro successfully integrated its security systems, low-voltage wiring, high-voltage electrical wiring, and new product lines into a single operating platform, streamlining operations and reducing complexity.
  • Future-proofing: OSI's flexible architecture allowed Homepro to future-proof its systems, enabling them to adapt to changing market demands and add new business verticals without extensive redevelopment.
  • Trust and partnership: Homepro established a strong partnership with OSI, characterized by trust, open communication, and quick responses to challenges. OSI's team worked closely with Homepro to ensure a smooth transition and ongoing support.

“The value OSI gave us was key in transitioning from a sale order to actual service delivery.”

Key takeaways for your business

Choosing an adaptable ERP system for growing businesses is paramount to success. The ability to customize and scale according to specific business needs is crucial. For companies at a growth inflection point, like Homepro, selecting an ERP system that can evolve with the business is pivotal. 

Here, Michael shares valuable insights for other companies considering a similar journey:

  • Seek expertise: Collaborate with experienced partners who understand your business needs and can provide valuable insights and support.
  • Don't go it alone: Reach out to others who have gone through similar transformations, ask questions, and learn from their experiences.
  • Consider the commitment: Understand the level of commitment required for such a project, especially in terms of maintaining and evolving the system to meet future needs.
  • Prioritize flexibility: Choose a system that offers architectural flexibility and allows for customization, enabling you to adapt to changing business requirements.

The collaboration between OSI and Homepro highlights the success that can be achieved through strategic technological partnerships and a commitment to innovation and adaptability.

About the author

Greg Mader, President of OSI

Greg’s career spans more than 25 years and includes experience in business, operations, manufacturing, and leadership. He holds two master’s degrees: a master’s in geography from South Dakota State University, and a master’s in computer science from the University of Chicago.

greg holding a book

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