8 Steps to Selecting an ERP Implementation Partner

February 13, 2023
7 min read
8 Steps to Selecting an ERP Implementation Partner

ERP Implementation Partner Selection Criteria​

From expertise, to costs, to whether or not you connect with their culture, there are many aspects to consider when choosing your ERP implementation partner. In this article, take 8 steps to choosing the right people for your upcoming ERP project.


A wild guess–you are in the process of selecting an implementation partner to help you with your Odoo project. We thought about what it would be like to be in your situation, and what kind of advice we would want. In thinking about this quite a bit, we feel there are some important criteria that you can use to help you find the implementation partner that will be the best fit for you.

1. Expertise and experience: Look for a consultant or integrator who has significant experience working with Odoo, and a proven track record of successful Odoo implementations.

2. Communication and collaboration skills: It is important to work with a consultant or integrator who can effectively communicate with your team and collaborate with you to identify and address any issues that may arise during the implementation process.

3. Industry knowledge and expertise: Consider a consultant or integrator who has experience working in your industry and understands the unique challenges and requirements of your business. Ask them about certifications in Supply Chain, Accounting, Security, as well as their approach to Business Process optimization for your industry.

4. Flexibility and adaptability: The best consultants and integrators are able to adapt to changes and challenges that may arise during the implementation process and work with you to find solutions.

5. Consider their approach: Pay attention to the approach the consultant or integrator takes to ERP implementations. Do they take a more consultative approach, working closely with your team to understand your business needs and customizing the solution accordingly? Or do they take a more hands-off approach, simply installing the software and leaving you to figure out how to use it?

6. Reputation and references: Ask the consultant or integrator for references and case studies of their previous work. This will give you a sense of their experience and the types of projects they have successfully completed.

7. Culture fit: It’s important to work with a team that shares your organization’s values and culture, as the implementation process can be a collaborative effort that requires close communication and teamwork. It is also important to meet the team that will be working on your ERP implementation, as you’ll be working closely with them for an extended period of time. Make sure you feel comfortable with the team and confident in their ability to deliver the results you need.

8. Costs: This is important, but needs its own space to be unpacked more–as we will, in our next article.

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