Odoo solutions for Member Organizations

September 26, 2017
Odoo solutions for Member Organizations
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Membership Management

Members would be considered “Partners” in USA Odoo. The requirements to manage member enrollment and renewal, event registration, and payments exists in USA Odoo out of the box, and requires configuration.

Local and National rankings would be a custom report, based on capturing event data in the customer record.

Documents such as liability releases would be stored and managed in Alfresco, and visible in USA Odoo.

Without knowing how Members are currently modeled in the ski association system, a concern would be migration of Member records.

Memberships would be created and managed as Products in USA Odoo and published to the website:


Group or family memberships would be “bundled” products, and allow discounts or other considerations. Variable or promotional pricing is straightforward, using USA Odoo’s implementation of Pricelists.

Duplicate memberships are possible, as there may be two members named “John Smith” (perhaps father and son) at the same address. But, this can be managed by asking the user for confirmation of this duplication.

Once a Member is created, USA Odoo would track all historical data related to their membership. Members would not be deleted, but moved to an inactive status, where they can be monitored and allowed to reactivate.

Offline Member data has some unique considerations—conflicts must be considered upon system synchronization, but we are considering “last change wins” as the default operation. All changes can be tracked and audited, allowing corrections to be made later.

Event Invitations

These would be custom reports, published on or off the website. Further conversations need to be had with the ski association staff to create useful graphics and visualizations for official and public use.

These custom reports would be automated, using a scheduler component. The categories described in the RFI seem straightforward and manageable.

Offline Member Management and Tabulation

We would use USA Odoo’s Point of Sale (POS) system as the basis of requirement. USA Odoo POS works in a disconnected or connected manner, and synchronizes transactions between the individual POS systems and the master USA Odoo system.

Let’s walk through how this might work. At a remote lodge, without Internet access, a worker with an USA Odoo POS system is selling memberships to the ski association. They would be using a laptop with USA Odoo POS installed. Sara Smith, a visitor to the lodge, wants to buy a membership.


It turns out that Sara is already in the system.


But, she needs to update her phone number and address.


We can do this easily and complete the transaction. When the worker reconnects the laptop to the Internet, the systems will be resynchronized, and Sara’s record will be updated.

Event management

USA Odoo offers an Event Management system that is complete and highly functional. Open Source Integrators has experience with this and more complicated Event Management circumstances.

Organizers create events in a simple manner that are then published to the CMS in one step, allowing members to quickly register and pay for their events.

A unique consideration is the requirement of tracking event tabulation and scoring by event. These custom reports would be created by event, but tracked in an aggregated manner to enable the event invitations needed for the national completion.

Further conversations need to be had with ski association staff to create useful graphics and visualizations for official and public use.



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