Problem Solved: Odoo Solutions Optimize E-commerce for Make-to-Order

September 26, 2017
Problem Solved: Odoo Solutions Optimize E-commerce for Make-to-Order
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Product Configurators

Make-to-order is a more challenging problem, but a more rewarding practice of manufacturing. It allows consumers to purchase products that are customized to their specifications. Make-to-order relieves the problems of excessive inventory that is common with the traditional make-to-stock manufacturing.

USA Odoo, a subdivision of Open Source Integrators, is reliable, easy to use, and easier to implement than the competition.

USA Odoo’s e-commerce system creates a seamless enterprise manufacturing system, where users can order sophisticated, configurable products online, and USA Odoo will accurately manufacture and deliver these products.

The Process

  • Choose the product in the shop
  • Configure the options
  • Enter the customer information
  • Enter delivery and payment information
  • Confirm the order paid with a wire transfer
  • Manufacture the product
  • Ship the product
  • Generate and validate the invoice
  • Register the payment


USA Odoo is built to source, manufacture, and integrate. No other competing system can do what USA Odoo can do out of the box, including Netsuite or SAP BI.

Finally, Odoo E-commerce with Exactly What You Want

Create seamless e-commerce and custom integrations into sales, administration, operations, and fulfillment, while ensuring customer satisfaction and profitability time after time. Open Source Integrators designs your technology platforms to support a higher degree of customized products and simplicity when manufacturing with real-time or disparate suppliers.

With Odoo e-commerce, OSI’s team of experts not only is dedicated to aligning with your goals but also creating alignment between operations and customer experiences.


USA Odoo E-commerce is designed for:

  • Complex products
  • Configured products
  • Customer’s needs fulfillment

Finally, Odoo e-commerce with exactly what you want.

Odoo with the right integrator helps to deliver exactly what your customers want, quickly and efficiently. Improve your time to market with Odoo capabilities that extend your e-commerce platform.

Create seamless e-commerce and custom integrations into sales, administration, operations, and fulfillment, while ensuring customer satisfaction and profitability time after time. Open Source Integrators designs your technology platforms to support a higher degree of customized products and simplicity when manufacturing with real-time or disparate suppliers.

USA Odoo Manufacturing is designed for:

For advanced manufacturing, USA Odoo manufacturing offers accurate inventory valuations for each step, deep product traceability (multi-level serialization), managed contract and outsourced manufacturing, insightful planning and forecasting, and make-to-order highly customizable products.

  • BOMs on the fly
  • Reserving stock
  • Tracking usage/costs
  • Driving efficiency/productivity

This is the new benchmark: Manufacturing at the demand and speed of the customer.

USA Odoo Accounting is designed for:

Odoo connects accounting upstream and down.

  • Tracking costs/revenue
  • Managing inventory valuations
  • Creating insight

The accounting integration from USA Odoo empowers real-time accounting valuations and deeper reporting on costs and revenues for both upstream and downstream operations.

Integrate your accounting systems into an interconnected nerve system to increase reliability of your numbers, efficiency of your operations, and quality of your output. OSI will help you create one true picture of your entire business operation. With the right accounting-centric Odoo software capability, the challenge of defining your key demographics will become simple.

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